⭐⭐⭐ Spring Boot 项目实战 ⭐⭐⭐ Spring Cloud 项目实战
《Dubbo 实现原理与源码解析 —— 精品合集》 《Netty 实现原理与源码解析 —— 精品合集》
《Spring 实现原理与源码解析 —— 精品合集》 《MyBatis 实现原理与源码解析 —— 精品合集》
《Spring MVC 实现原理与源码解析 —— 精品合集》 《数据库实体设计合集》
《Spring Boot 实现原理与源码解析 —— 精品合集》 《Java 面试题 + Java 学习指南》

摘要: 原创出处 https://laoyuan.me/posts/spring-cloud-feign-and-ribbon.html 「老袁」欢迎转载,保留摘要,谢谢!


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Feign是一款客户端HTTP调用组件,用于简化目前Rest接口调用操作,可以很方便的使调用HTTP接口像方法调用一样简单。 Rbbion是一款客户端负载均衡组件,提供了容易扩展的负载均衡策略。 Spring基于Netflix开源的以上组件做了大量的封装,可以很方便的和Spirng应用结合用于微服务之间的相互调用。


在Spring Cloud应用中使用Feign组件,首先需要在依赖包中加入以下依赖:



public interface IService {
* 远程调用,直接生成Token
* @param param
* Token生成需要的参数
* @return 加密后的Token
@RequestMapping(value = "remoting/security/token", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ApiResult<Object> generateToken(
@RequestBody @Validated(GenerateTokenParam.GenerateToken.class) GenerateTokenParam param);

* 远程调用,验证Token,验证通过后会返回TOKEN中携带的数据
* @param param
* TOEKN字符串
* @return Token中携带的数据
@RequestMapping(value = "remoting/security/verify", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ApiResult<Object> verifyToken(@RequestBody @Validated VerifyTokenParam param);

上述代码中,每一个方法都代表通过Feign请求的一个接口,@RequestMapping指定请求地址和请求方法。@FeignClient则用于指定调用的微服务,结合Rbbion在注册中心注册的服务列表中选择一个合适的服务地址。 目前对FeignClient的应用主要有2种方式:

  • 服务提供方定义好Feign组件,自己的Controller实现定义好的Feign组件接口,然后把Feign组件打包成SDK提供给调用方,这样的好处是便于后期服务提供方统一升级组件,比如更换调用路径和参数等;
  • 服务调用方自己封装Feign组件,这样的好处是调用方可以灵活的自定义Feign组件;



@EnableFeignClients(basePackages = { "com.xxx.service.api", "com.ooo.sdk.service" })

接下来就是在需要调用接口的地方用Spring Bean一样调用其他服务了,示例如下:

private IService service;


Feign Bean创建


public @interface EnableFeignClients {

* Alias for the {@link #basePackages()} attribute. Allows for more concise annotation
* declarations e.g.: {@code @ComponentScan("org.my.pkg")} instead of
* {@code @ComponentScan(basePackages="org.my.pkg")}.
* @return the array of 'basePackages'.
String[] value() default {};

* Base packages to scan for annotated components.
* <p>
* {@link #value()} is an alias for (and mutually exclusive with) this attribute.
* <p>
* Use {@link #basePackageClasses()} for a type-safe alternative to String-based
* package names.
* @return the array of 'basePackages'.
String[] basePackages() default {};

* Type-safe alternative to {@link #basePackages()} for specifying the packages to
* scan for annotated components. The package of each class specified will be scanned.
* <p>
* Consider creating a special no-op marker class or interface in each package that
* serves no purpose other than being referenced by this attribute.
* @return the array of 'basePackageClasses'.
Class<?>[] basePackageClasses() default {};

* A custom <code>@Configuration</code> for all feign clients. Can contain override
* <code>@Bean</code> definition for the pieces that make up the client, for instance
* {@link feign.codec.Decoder}, {@link feign.codec.Encoder}, {@link feign.Contract}.
* @see FeignClientsConfiguration for the defaults
Class<?>[] defaultConfiguration() default {};

* List of classes annotated with @FeignClient. If not empty, disables classpath scanning.
* @return
Class<?>[] clients() default {};

核心有2个方法,basePackagesdefaultConfiguration,前者用于定义扫描包路径,后者用于定义@FeignClient组件的配置类,在配置类中可以自己定义Feign请求的Decoder解码器、Encoder编码器、Contract组件扫描构造器。 在注解上有一个关键注解@Import(FeignClientsRegistrar.class),导入了Feign组件的注册器,用于扫描Feign组件与初始化Feign组件的Bean定义信息,各阶段作用建下述源码注释。

class FeignClientsRegistrar implements ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar,
ResourceLoaderAware, BeanClassLoaderAware, EnvironmentAware {

// patterned after Spring Integration IntegrationComponentScanRegistrar
// and RibbonClientsConfigurationRegistgrar

private ResourceLoader resourceLoader;

private ClassLoader classLoader;

private Environment environment;

public FeignClientsRegistrar() {

public void setResourceLoader(ResourceLoader resourceLoader) {
this.resourceLoader = resourceLoader;

public void setBeanClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader) {
this.classLoader = classLoader;

public void registerBeanDefinitions(AnnotationMetadata metadata,
BeanDefinitionRegistry registry) {
registerDefaultConfiguration(metadata, registry);
registerFeignClients(metadata, registry);

private void registerDefaultConfiguration(AnnotationMetadata metadata,
BeanDefinitionRegistry registry) {
Map<String, Object> defaultAttrs = metadata
.getAnnotationAttributes(EnableFeignClients.class.getName(), true);
if (defaultAttrs != null && defaultAttrs.containsKey("defaultConfiguration")) {
String name;
if (metadata.hasEnclosingClass()) {
name = "default." + metadata.getEnclosingClassName();
else {
name = "default." + metadata.getClassName();
registerClientConfiguration(registry, name,

public void registerFeignClients(AnnotationMetadata metadata,
BeanDefinitionRegistry registry) {
ClassPathScanningCandidateComponentProvider scanner = getScanner();

Set<String> basePackages;

Map<String, Object> attrs = metadata
AnnotationTypeFilter annotationTypeFilter = new AnnotationTypeFilter(
final Class<?>[] clients = attrs == null ? null
: (Class<?>[]) attrs.get("clients");
if (clients == null || clients.length == 0) {
basePackages = getBasePackages(metadata);
else {
final Set<String> clientClasses = new HashSet<>();
basePackages = new HashSet<>();
for (Class<?> clazz : clients) {
AbstractClassTestingTypeFilter filter = new AbstractClassTestingTypeFilter() {
protected boolean match(ClassMetadata metadata) {
String cleaned = metadata.getClassName().replaceAll("\\$", ".");
return clientClasses.contains(cleaned);
new AllTypeFilter(Arrays.asList(filter, annotationTypeFilter)));
for (String basePackage : basePackages) {
Set<BeanDefinition> candidateComponents = scanner
for (BeanDefinition candidateComponent : candidateComponents) {
if (candidateComponent instanceof AnnotatedBeanDefinition) {
// verify annotated class is an interface
AnnotatedBeanDefinition beanDefinition = (AnnotatedBeanDefinition) candidateComponent;
AnnotationMetadata annotationMetadata = beanDefinition.getMetadata();
"@FeignClient can only be specified on an interface");

Map<String, Object> attributes = annotationMetadata

String name = getClientName(attributes);
registerClientConfiguration(registry, name,

registerFeignClient(registry, annotationMetadata, attributes);

private void registerFeignClient(BeanDefinitionRegistry registry,
AnnotationMetadata annotationMetadata, Map<String, Object> attributes) {
String className = annotationMetadata.getClassName();
BeanDefinitionBuilder definition = BeanDefinitionBuilder
definition.addPropertyValue("url", getUrl(attributes));
definition.addPropertyValue("path", getPath(attributes));
String name = getName(attributes);
definition.addPropertyValue("name", name);
definition.addPropertyValue("type", className);
definition.addPropertyValue("decode404", attributes.get("decode404"));
definition.addPropertyValue("fallback", attributes.get("fallback"));
definition.addPropertyValue("fallbackFactory", attributes.get("fallbackFactory"));

String alias = name + "FeignClient";
AbstractBeanDefinition beanDefinition = definition.getBeanDefinition();

boolean primary = (Boolean)attributes.get("primary"); // has a default, won't be null


String qualifier = getQualifier(attributes);
if (StringUtils.hasText(qualifier)) {
alias = qualifier;

BeanDefinitionHolder holder = new BeanDefinitionHolder(beanDefinition, className,
new String[] { alias });
BeanDefinitionReaderUtils.registerBeanDefinition(holder, registry);


BeanDefinitionBuilder definition = BeanDefinitionBuilder.genericBeanDefinition(FeignClientFactoryBean.class);


@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
class FeignClientFactoryBean implements FactoryBean<Object>, InitializingBean,
ApplicationContextAware {
* WARNING! Nothing in this class should be @Autowired. It causes NPEs because of some lifecycle race condition.

private Class<?> type;

private String name;

private String url;

private String path;

private boolean decode404;

private ApplicationContext applicationContext;

private Class<?> fallback = void.class;

private Class<?> fallbackFactory = void.class;

public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
Assert.hasText(this.name, "Name must be set");

public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext context) throws BeansException {
this.applicationContext = context;

protected Feign.Builder feign(FeignContext context) {
FeignLoggerFactory loggerFactory = get(context, FeignLoggerFactory.class);
Logger logger = loggerFactory.create(this.type);

// @formatter:off
Feign.Builder builder = get(context, Feign.Builder.class)
// required values
.encoder(get(context, Encoder.class))
.decoder(get(context, Decoder.class))
.contract(get(context, Contract.class));
// @formatter:on

// optional values
Logger.Level level = getOptional(context, Logger.Level.class);
if (level != null) {
Retryer retryer = getOptional(context, Retryer.class);
if (retryer != null) {
ErrorDecoder errorDecoder = getOptional(context, ErrorDecoder.class);
if (errorDecoder != null) {
Request.Options options = getOptional(context, Request.Options.class);
if (options != null) {
Map<String, RequestInterceptor> requestInterceptors = context.getInstances(
this.name, RequestInterceptor.class);
if (requestInterceptors != null) {

if (decode404) {

return builder;

protected <T> T get(FeignContext context, Class<T> type) {
T instance = context.getInstance(this.name, type);
if (instance == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No bean found of type " + type + " for "
+ this.name);
return instance;

protected <T> T getOptional(FeignContext context, Class<T> type) {
return context.getInstance(this.name, type);

protected <T> T loadBalance(Feign.Builder builder, FeignContext context,
HardCodedTarget<T> target) {
Client client = getOptional(context, Client.class);
if (client != null) {
Targeter targeter = get(context, Targeter.class);
return targeter.target(this, builder, context, target);

throw new IllegalStateException(
"No Feign Client for loadBalancing defined. Did you forget to include spring-cloud-starter-ribbon?");

public Object getObject() throws Exception {
FeignContext context = applicationContext.getBean(FeignContext.class);
//从Spring Context中获取到Feign的Builder
Feign.Builder builder = feign(context);
if (!StringUtils.hasText(this.url)) {
String url;
if (!this.name.startsWith("http")) {
url = "http://" + this.name;
else {
url = this.name;
url += cleanPath();
return loadBalance(builder, context, new HardCodedTarget<>(this.type,
this.name, url));
//处理@FeignClient URL属性(主机名)存在的情况
if (StringUtils.hasText(this.url) && !this.url.startsWith("http")) {
this.url = "http://" + this.url;
String url = this.url + cleanPath();
Client client = getOptional(context, Client.class);
if (client != null) {
if (client instanceof LoadBalancerFeignClient) {
// not lod balancing because we have a url,
// but ribbon is on the classpath, so unwrap
client = ((LoadBalancerFeignClient)client).getDelegate();
Targeter targeter = get(context, Targeter.class);
return targeter.target(this, builder, context, new HardCodedTarget<>(
this.type, this.name, url));

private String cleanPath() {
String path = this.path.trim();
if (StringUtils.hasLength(path)) {
if (!path.startsWith("/")) {
path = "/" + path;
if (path.endsWith("/")) {
path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 1);
return path;

public Class<?> getObjectType() {
return this.type;

public boolean isSingleton() {
return true;


在上述源码中,最核心的是getObject方法,方法中定义好了如何去初始化一个FeignClient组件,在代理Bean中织入了哪些方法,具体可以参见代码中文注释。 我们先暂时略过上述工厂Bean创建代理对象时,使用到Feign的其他组件,如:Encoder、Decoder、Contract等,后面再详细阐述。 当调用target方法时,实际会触发FeignBuiler组件的newInstance源码如下:

public <T> T newInstance(Target<T> target) {
Map<String, MethodHandler> nameToHandler = targetToHandlersByName.apply(target);
Map<Method, MethodHandler> methodToHandler = new LinkedHashMap<Method, MethodHandler>();
List<DefaultMethodHandler> defaultMethodHandlers = new LinkedList<DefaultMethodHandler>();

for (Method method : target.type().getMethods()) {
if (method.getDeclaringClass() == Object.class) {
} else if(Util.isDefault(method)) {
DefaultMethodHandler handler = new DefaultMethodHandler(method);
methodToHandler.put(method, handler);
} else {
methodToHandler.put(method, nameToHandler.get(Feign.configKey(target.type(), method)));
InvocationHandler handler = factory.create(target, methodToHandler);
T proxy = (T) Proxy.newProxyInstance(target.type().getClassLoader(), new Class<?>[]{target.type()}, handler);

for(DefaultMethodHandler defaultMethodHandler : defaultMethodHandlers) {
return proxy;
static final class ParseHandlersByName {

private final Contract contract;
private final Options options;
private final Encoder encoder;
private final Decoder decoder;
private final ErrorDecoder errorDecoder;
private final SynchronousMethodHandler.Factory factory;

ParseHandlersByName(Contract contract, Options options, Encoder encoder, Decoder decoder,
ErrorDecoder errorDecoder, SynchronousMethodHandler.Factory factory) {
this.contract = contract;
this.options = options;
this.factory = factory;
this.errorDecoder = errorDecoder;
this.encoder = checkNotNull(encoder, "encoder");
this.decoder = checkNotNull(decoder, "decoder");

public Map<String, MethodHandler> apply(Target key) {
List<MethodMetadata> metadata = contract.parseAndValidatateMetadata(key.type());
Map<String, MethodHandler> result = new LinkedHashMap<String, MethodHandler>();
for (MethodMetadata md : metadata) {
BuildTemplateByResolvingArgs buildTemplate;
if (!md.formParams().isEmpty() && md.template().bodyTemplate() == null) {
buildTemplate = new BuildFormEncodedTemplateFromArgs(md, encoder);
} else if (md.bodyIndex() != null) {
buildTemplate = new BuildEncodedTemplateFromArgs(md, encoder);
} else {
buildTemplate = new BuildTemplateByResolvingArgs(md);
factory.create(key, md, buildTemplate, options, decoder, errorDecoder));
return result;


class DefaultTargeter implements Targeter {

public <T> T target(FeignClientFactoryBean factory, Feign.Builder feign, FeignContext context,
Target.HardCodedTarget<T> target) {
//简单暴力,直接调用Feign Builer字段的设置目标对象方法
return feign.target(target);


static class FeignInvocationHandler implements InvocationHandler {

private final Target target;
private final Map<Method, MethodHandler> dispatch;

FeignInvocationHandler(Target target, Map<Method, MethodHandler> dispatch) {
this.target = checkNotNull(target, "target");
this.dispatch = checkNotNull(dispatch, "dispatch for %s", target);

public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
if ("equals".equals(method.getName())) {
try {
otherHandler =
args.length > 0 && args[0] != null ? Proxy.getInvocationHandler(args[0]) : null;
return equals(otherHandler);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
return false;
} else if ("hashCode".equals(method.getName())) {
return hashCode();
} else if ("toString".equals(method.getName())) {
return toString();
return dispatch.get(method).invoke(args);

public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj instanceof FeignInvocationHandler) {
FeignInvocationHandler other = (FeignInvocationHandler) obj;
return target.equals(other.target);
return false;

public int hashCode() {
return target.hashCode();

public String toString() {
return target.toString();
final class SynchronousMethodHandler implements MethodHandler {

private static final long MAX_RESPONSE_BUFFER_SIZE = 8192L;

private final MethodMetadata metadata;
private final Target<?> target;
private final Client client;
private final Retryer retryer;
private final List<RequestInterceptor> requestInterceptors;
private final Logger logger;
private final Logger.Level logLevel;
private final RequestTemplate.Factory buildTemplateFromArgs;
private final Options options;
private final Decoder decoder;
private final ErrorDecoder errorDecoder;
private final boolean decode404;

private SynchronousMethodHandler(Target<?> target, Client client, Retryer retryer,
List<RequestInterceptor> requestInterceptors, Logger logger,
Logger.Level logLevel, MethodMetadata metadata,
RequestTemplate.Factory buildTemplateFromArgs, Options options,
Decoder decoder, ErrorDecoder errorDecoder, boolean decode404) {
this.target = checkNotNull(target, "target");
this.client = checkNotNull(client, "client for %s", target);
this.retryer = checkNotNull(retryer, "retryer for %s", target);
this.requestInterceptors =
checkNotNull(requestInterceptors, "requestInterceptors for %s", target);
this.logger = checkNotNull(logger, "logger for %s", target);
this.logLevel = checkNotNull(logLevel, "logLevel for %s", target);
this.metadata = checkNotNull(metadata, "metadata for %s", target);
this.buildTemplateFromArgs = checkNotNull(buildTemplateFromArgs, "metadata for %s", target);
this.options = checkNotNull(options, "options for %s", target);
this.errorDecoder = checkNotNull(errorDecoder, "errorDecoder for %s", target);
this.decoder = checkNotNull(decoder, "decoder for %s", target);
this.decode404 = decode404;

public Object invoke(Object[] argv) throws Throwable {
RequestTemplate template = buildTemplateFromArgs.create(argv);
Retryer retryer = this.retryer.clone();
while (true) {
try {
return executeAndDecode(template);
} catch (RetryableException e) {
if (logLevel != Logger.Level.NONE) {
logger.logRetry(metadata.configKey(), logLevel);

Object executeAndDecode(RequestTemplate template) throws Throwable {
Request request = targetRequest(template);

if (logLevel != Logger.Level.NONE) {
logger.logRequest(metadata.configKey(), logLevel, request);

Response response;
long start = System.nanoTime();
try {
response = client.execute(request, options);
// ensure the request is set. TODO: remove in Feign 10
} catch (IOException e) {
if (logLevel != Logger.Level.NONE) {
logger.logIOException(metadata.configKey(), logLevel, e, elapsedTime(start));
throw errorExecuting(request, e);
long elapsedTime = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - start);

boolean shouldClose = true;
try {
if (logLevel != Logger.Level.NONE) {
response =
logger.logAndRebufferResponse(metadata.configKey(), logLevel, response, elapsedTime);
// ensure the request is set. TODO: remove in Feign 10
if (Response.class == metadata.returnType()) {
if (response.body() == null) {
return response;
if (response.body().length() == null ||
response.body().length() > MAX_RESPONSE_BUFFER_SIZE) {
shouldClose = false;
return response;
// Ensure the response body is disconnected
byte[] bodyData = Util.toByteArray(response.body().asInputStream());
return response.toBuilder().body(bodyData).build();
if (response.status() >= 200 && response.status() < 300) {
if (void.class == metadata.returnType()) {
return null;
} else {
return decode(response);
} else if (decode404 && response.status() == 404) {
return decode(response);
} else {
throw errorDecoder.decode(metadata.configKey(), response);
} catch (IOException e) {
if (logLevel != Logger.Level.NONE) {
logger.logIOException(metadata.configKey(), logLevel, e, elapsedTime);
throw errorReading(request, response, e);
} finally {
if (shouldClose) {

long elapsedTime(long start) {
return TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - start);

Request targetRequest(RequestTemplate template) {
for (RequestInterceptor interceptor : requestInterceptors) {
return target.apply(new RequestTemplate(template));

Object decode(Response response) throws Throwable {
try {
return decoder.decode(response, metadata.returnType());
} catch (FeignException e) {
throw e;
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw new DecodeException(e.getMessage(), e);


class HystrixTargeter implements Targeter {

public <T> T target(FeignClientFactoryBean factory, Feign.Builder feign, FeignContext context,
Target.HardCodedTarget<T> target) {
if (!(feign instanceof feign.hystrix.HystrixFeign.Builder)) {
return feign.target(target);
//以下方法则使用HystrixFeign Builder (自定义了构建实际代理对象HystrixInvocationHandler)构建一个执行处理器
feign.hystrix.HystrixFeign.Builder builder = (feign.hystrix.HystrixFeign.Builder) feign;
SetterFactory setterFactory = getOptional(factory.getName(), context,
if (setterFactory != null) {
Class<?> fallback = factory.getFallback();
if (fallback != void.class) {
return targetWithFallback(factory.getName(), context, target, builder, fallback);
Class<?> fallbackFactory = factory.getFallbackFactory();
if (fallbackFactory != void.class) {
return targetWithFallbackFactory(factory.getName(), context, target, builder, fallbackFactory);

return feign.target(target);

private <T> T targetWithFallbackFactory(String feignClientName, FeignContext context,
Target.HardCodedTarget<T> target,
HystrixFeign.Builder builder,
Class<?> fallbackFactoryClass) {
FallbackFactory<? extends T> fallbackFactory = (FallbackFactory<? extends T>)
getFromContext("fallbackFactory", feignClientName, context, fallbackFactoryClass, FallbackFactory.class);
/* We take a sample fallback from the fallback factory to check if it returns a fallback
that is compatible with the annotated feign interface. */
Object exampleFallback = fallbackFactory.create(new RuntimeException());
"Incompatible fallbackFactory instance for feign client %s. Factory may not produce null!",
if (!target.type().isAssignableFrom(exampleFallback.getClass())) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Incompatible fallbackFactory instance for feign client %s. Factory produces instances of '%s', but should produce instances of '%s'",
feignClientName, exampleFallback.getClass(), target.type()));
return builder.target(target, fallbackFactory);

private <T> T targetWithFallback(String feignClientName, FeignContext context,
Target.HardCodedTarget<T> target,
HystrixFeign.Builder builder, Class<?> fallback) {
T fallbackInstance = getFromContext("fallback", feignClientName, context, fallback, target.type());
return builder.target(target, fallbackInstance);

private <T> T getFromContext(String fallbackMechanism, String feignClientName, FeignContext context,
Class<?> beanType, Class<T> targetType) {
Object fallbackInstance = context.getInstance(feignClientName, beanType);
if (fallbackInstance == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format(
"No " + fallbackMechanism + " instance of type %s found for feign client %s",
beanType, feignClientName));

if (!targetType.isAssignableFrom(beanType)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Incompatible " + fallbackMechanism + " instance. Fallback/fallbackFactory of type %s is not assignable to %s for feign client %s",
beanType, targetType, feignClientName));
return (T) fallbackInstance;

private <T> T getOptional(String feignClientName, FeignContext context,
Class<T> beanType) {
return context.getInstance(feignClientName, beanType);


final class HystrixInvocationHandler implements InvocationHandler {

private final Target<?> target;
private final Map<Method, MethodHandler> dispatch;
private final FallbackFactory<?> fallbackFactory; // Nullable
private final Map<Method, Method> fallbackMethodMap;
private final Map<Method, Setter> setterMethodMap;

HystrixInvocationHandler(Target<?> target, Map<Method, MethodHandler> dispatch,
SetterFactory setterFactory, FallbackFactory<?> fallbackFactory) {
this.target = checkNotNull(target, "target");
this.dispatch = checkNotNull(dispatch, "dispatch");
this.fallbackFactory = fallbackFactory;
this.fallbackMethodMap = toFallbackMethod(dispatch);
this.setterMethodMap = toSetters(setterFactory, target, dispatch.keySet());

* If the method param of InvocationHandler.invoke is not accessible, i.e in a package-private
* interface, the fallback call in hystrix command will fail cause of access restrictions. But
* methods in dispatch are copied methods. So setting access to dispatch method doesn't take
* effect to the method in InvocationHandler.invoke. Use map to store a copy of method to invoke
* the fallback to bypass this and reducing the count of reflection calls.
* @return cached methods map for fallback invoking
static Map<Method, Method> toFallbackMethod(Map<Method, MethodHandler> dispatch) {
Map<Method, Method> result = new LinkedHashMap<Method, Method>();
for (Method method : dispatch.keySet()) {
result.put(method, method);
return result;

* Process all methods in the target so that appropriate setters are created.
static Map<Method, Setter> toSetters(SetterFactory setterFactory, Target<?> target,
Set<Method> methods) {
Map<Method, Setter> result = new LinkedHashMap<Method, Setter>();
for (Method method : methods) {
result.put(method, setterFactory.create(target, method));
return result;

public Object invoke(final Object proxy, final Method method, final Object[] args)
throws Throwable {
// early exit if the invoked method is from java.lang.Object
// code is the same as ReflectiveFeign.FeignInvocationHandler
if ("equals".equals(method.getName())) {
try {
Object otherHandler =
args.length > 0 && args[0] != null ? Proxy.getInvocationHandler(args[0]) : null;
return equals(otherHandler);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
return false;
} else if ("hashCode".equals(method.getName())) {
return hashCode();
} else if ("toString".equals(method.getName())) {
return toString();
HystrixCommand<Object> hystrixCommand = new HystrixCommand<Object>(setterMethodMap.get(method)) {
protected Object run() throws Exception {
try {
return HystrixInvocationHandler.this.dispatch.get(method).invoke(args);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw (Error) t;

protected Object getFallback() {
if (fallbackFactory == null) {
return super.getFallback();
try {
Object fallback = fallbackFactory.create(getExecutionException());
Object result = fallbackMethodMap.get(method).invoke(fallback, args);
if (isReturnsHystrixCommand(method)) {
return ((HystrixCommand) result).execute();
} else if (isReturnsObservable(method)) {
// Create a cold Observable
return ((Observable) result).toBlocking().first();
} else if (isReturnsSingle(method)) {
// Create a cold Observable as a Single
return ((Single) result).toObservable().toBlocking().first();
} else if (isReturnsCompletable(method)) {
((Completable) result).await();
return null;
} else {
return result;
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
// shouldn't happen as method is public due to being an interface
throw new AssertionError(e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
// Exceptions on fallback are tossed by Hystrix
throw new AssertionError(e.getCause());

if (isReturnsHystrixCommand(method)) {
return hystrixCommand;
} else if (isReturnsObservable(method)) {
// Create a cold Observable
return hystrixCommand.toObservable();
} else if (isReturnsSingle(method)) {
// Create a cold Observable as a Single
return hystrixCommand.toObservable().toSingle();
} else if (isReturnsCompletable(method)) {
return hystrixCommand.toObservable().toCompletable();
return hystrixCommand.execute();




  • FeignAutoConfiguration:配置Feign上下文(FeignContext)、配置Targeter、配置Client(仅仅组件)

    public class FeignAutoConfiguration {

    @Autowired(required = false)
    private List<FeignClientSpecification> configurations = new ArrayList<>();

    public HasFeatures feignFeature() {
    return HasFeatures.namedFeature("Feign", Feign.class);
    /*FeignContext 继承自NamedContextFactory,可以用此对象根据Bean名字或者对象获取到实例*/
    public FeignContext feignContext() {
    FeignContext context = new FeignContext();
    return context;
    @ConditionalOnClass(name = "feign.hystrix.HystrixFeign")
    protected static class HystrixFeignTargeterConfiguration {
    public Targeter feignTargeter() {
    return new HystrixTargeter();

    protected static class DefaultFeignTargeterConfiguration {
    public Targeter feignTargeter() {
    return new DefaultTargeter();

    // the following configuration is for alternate feign clients if
    // ribbon is not on the class path.
    // see corresponding configurations in FeignRibbonClientAutoConfiguration
    // for load balanced ribbon clients.
    @ConditionalOnProperty(value = "feign.httpclient.enabled", matchIfMissing = true)
    protected static class HttpClientFeignConfiguration {

    @Autowired(required = false)
    private HttpClient httpClient;

    public Client feignClient() {
    if (this.httpClient != null) {
    return new ApacheHttpClient(this.httpClient);
    return new ApacheHttpClient();

    @ConditionalOnProperty(value = "feign.okhttp.enabled", matchIfMissing = true)
    protected static class OkHttpFeignConfiguration {

    @Autowired(required = false)
    private okhttp3.OkHttpClient okHttpClient;

    public Client feignClient() {
    if (this.okHttpClient != null) {
    return new OkHttpClient(this.okHttpClient);
    return new OkHttpClient();

  • FeignClientsConfiguration:Decoder、Encoder、Retryer、Contract(SpringMvcContract)、FeignBuilder

    public class FeignClientsConfiguration {

    private ObjectFactory<HttpMessageConverters> messageConverters;

    @Autowired(required = false)
    private List<AnnotatedParameterProcessor> parameterProcessors = new ArrayList<>();

    @Autowired(required = false)
    private List<FeignFormatterRegistrar> feignFormatterRegistrars = new ArrayList<>();

    @Autowired(required = false)
    private Logger logger;

    public Decoder feignDecoder() {
    return new ResponseEntityDecoder(new SpringDecoder(this.messageConverters));

    public Encoder feignEncoder() {
    return new SpringEncoder(this.messageConverters);

    public Contract feignContract(ConversionService feignConversionService) {
    return new SpringMvcContract(this.parameterProcessors, feignConversionService);

    public FormattingConversionService feignConversionService() {
    FormattingConversionService conversionService = new DefaultFormattingConversionService();
    for (FeignFormatterRegistrar feignFormatterRegistrar : feignFormatterRegistrars) {
    return conversionService;
    /*默认使用的Feign Builer*/
    @ConditionalOnClass({ HystrixCommand.class, HystrixFeign.class })
    protected static class HystrixFeignConfiguration {
    @ConditionalOnProperty(name = "feign.hystrix.enabled", matchIfMissing = false)
    public Feign.Builder feignHystrixBuilder() {
    return HystrixFeign.builder();

    public Retryer feignRetryer() {
    return Retryer.NEVER_RETRY;

    public Feign.Builder feignBuilder(Retryer retryer) {
    return Feign.builder().retryer(retryer);

    public FeignLoggerFactory feignLoggerFactory() {
    return new DefaultFeignLoggerFactory(logger);


  • FeignRibbonClientAutoConfiguration:Request Options(超时配置)、配置Client(带负载均衡)

    @ConditionalOnClass({ ILoadBalancer.class, Feign.class })
    public class FeignRibbonClientAutoConfiguration {

    public CachingSpringLoadBalancerFactory cachingLBClientFactory(
    SpringClientFactory factory) {
    return new CachingSpringLoadBalancerFactory(factory);

    @ConditionalOnClass(name = "org.springframework.retry.support.RetryTemplate")
    public CachingSpringLoadBalancerFactory retryabeCachingLBClientFactory(
    SpringClientFactory factory, LoadBalancedRetryPolicyFactory retryPolicyFactory) {
    return new CachingSpringLoadBalancerFactory(factory, retryPolicyFactory, true);

    public Client feignClient(CachingSpringLoadBalancerFactory cachingFactory,
    SpringClientFactory clientFactory) {
    return new LoadBalancerFeignClient(new Client.Default(null, null),
    cachingFactory, clientFactory);

    public Request.Options feignRequestOptions() {
    return LoadBalancerFeignClient.DEFAULT_OPTIONS;

    @ConditionalOnProperty(value = "feign.httpclient.enabled", matchIfMissing = true)
    protected static class HttpClientFeignLoadBalancedConfiguration {

    @Autowired(required = false)
    private HttpClient httpClient;

    public Client feignClient(CachingSpringLoadBalancerFactory cachingFactory,
    SpringClientFactory clientFactory) {
    ApacheHttpClient delegate;
    if (this.httpClient != null) {
    delegate = new ApacheHttpClient(this.httpClient);
    else {
    delegate = new ApacheHttpClient();
    return new LoadBalancerFeignClient(delegate, cachingFactory, clientFactory);

    @ConditionalOnProperty(value = "feign.okhttp.enabled", matchIfMissing = true)
    protected static class OkHttpFeignLoadBalancedConfiguration {

    @Autowired(required = false)
    private okhttp3.OkHttpClient okHttpClient;

    public Client feignClient(CachingSpringLoadBalancerFactory cachingFactory,
    SpringClientFactory clientFactory) {
    OkHttpClient delegate;
    if (this.okHttpClient != null) {
    delegate = new OkHttpClient(this.okHttpClient);
    else {
    delegate = new OkHttpClient();
    return new LoadBalancerFeignClient(delegate, cachingFactory, clientFactory);



Spring Feign组件的超时配置主要存在3块:

  • 一块是FeignClientsConfigurationLoadBalancerFeignClient.DEFAULT_OPTIONS,连接超时10S,读取超时60S;
  • 一块是RibbonClientConfigurationribbonClientConfig(),连接超时2S,读取超时5S;
  • 一块是Hystrix组件的执行超时配置,hystrix.command.default.execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds;


  • Request.Options等于LoadBalancerFeignClient.DEFAULT_OPTIONS时,以RibbonClientConfiguration中配置的超时时间为准;
  • Request.Options不等于LoadBalancerFeignClient.DEFAULT_OPTIONS,以自定义的超时时间配置为准;
  • Hystrix组件的执行超时配置用于控制调用请求执行超时,和具体HTTP请求无关,需要和上述2个配置配合使用,需大于上述2条超时时间配置;






  • 定义RequestInterceptor,在请求前处理编码与附加消息头;
  • 自定义Encoder,在编码阶段处理请求头;
  • @FeignClient组件接口@RequestMappingheaders属性中附带消息头信息;




  • 在定义Feign组件时,@RequestMapping注解只加在方法上,不要放在类上,Spring MVC自带的Dispacher请求映射会扫描所有带@RequestMapping类,容易导致一些不必要的问题;
  • Feign组件目前只支持@RequestMapping注解定义请求路径和配置,赞不支持Spring MVC新出的@GetMapping@PostMapping等注解,具体扫描和处理参考SpringMvcContract源码。

666. 彩蛋

如果你对 Ribbon 感兴趣,欢迎加入我的知识星球一起交流。


  1. 1. Feign与Ribbon介绍
  2. 2. 使用Feign与Ribbon
  3. 3. 源码解析
    1. 3.1. Feign Bean创建
    2. 3.2. Feign组件配置
  4. 4. 配置与优化
    1. 4.1. 超时时间配置
    2. 4.2. 请求重试
    3. 4.3. 编码/消息头处理
    4. 4.4. 连接池
    5. 4.5. 其他事项
  • 666. 彩蛋