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《Dubbo 实现原理与源码解析 —— 精品合集》 《Netty 实现原理与源码解析 —— 精品合集》
《Spring 实现原理与源码解析 —— 精品合集》 《MyBatis 实现原理与源码解析 —— 精品合集》
《Spring MVC 实现原理与源码解析 —— 精品合集》 《数据库实体设计合集》
《Spring Boot 实现原理与源码解析 —— 精品合集》 《Java 面试题 + Java 学习指南》

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很多人都会问HikariCP为什么那么快?之前的两篇文章【追光者系列】HikariCP源码分析之FastList【追光者系列】HikariCP源码分析之ConcurrentBag 是第一第二弹,本文就是第三弹。

在Down-the-Rabbit-Hole中,作者提到了We're in your bytecodez的字节码优化

In order to make HikariCP as fast as it is, we went down to bytecode-level engineering, and beyond. We pulled out every trick we know to help the JIT help you. We studied the bytecode output of the compiler, and even the assembly output of the JIT to limit key routines to less than the JIT inline-threshold. We flattened inheritance hierarchies, shadowed member variables, eliminated casts.

字节码优化这块作者还提到了 this change removed a static field access, a push and pop from the stack, and made the invocation easier for the JIT to optimize because the callsite is guaranteed not to change.感兴趣的可以看一下 https://github.com/brettwooldridge/HikariCP/wiki/Down-the-Rabbit-Hole。




  • ProxyConnection(proxy class for java.sql.Connection)
  • ProxyStatement(proxy class for java.sql.Statement)
  • ProxyPreparedStatement(proxy class for java.sql.PreparedStatement)
  • ProxyCallableStatement(proxy class for java.sql.CallableStatement)
  • ProxyResultSet(proxy class for java.sql.ResultSet)

紧密结合以上五个代理类的还有两个类ProxyFactory(A factory class that produces proxies around instances of the standard JDBC interfaces)和JavassistProxyFactory(This class generates the proxy objects for {@link Connection}, {@link Statement},{@link PreparedStatement}, and {@link CallableStatement}.Additionally it injects method bodies into the {@link ProxyFactory} class methods that can instantiate instances of the generated proxies.)。

我们看一下ProxyFactory这个工厂类,大家是不是可以看到对上面的五个代理类提供的方法只有一行直接抛异常IllegalStateException的代码,并且提示你You need to run the CLI build and you need target/classes in your classpath to run

注释写着“Body is replaced (injected) by JavassistProxyFactory”,其实方法body中的代码是在编译时调用JavassistProxyFactory才生成的。

package com.zaxxer.hikari.pool;
import java.sql.CallableStatement;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Statement;
import com.zaxxer.hikari.util.FastList;
* A factory class that produces proxies around instances of the standard
* JDBC interfaces.
* @author Brett Wooldridge
public final class ProxyFactory
private ProxyFactory()
// unconstructable
* Create a proxy for the specified {@link Connection} instance.
* @param poolEntry the PoolEntry holding pool state
* @param connection the raw database Connection
* @param openStatements a reusable list to track open Statement instances
* @param leakTask the ProxyLeakTask for this connection
* @param now the current timestamp
* @param isReadOnly the default readOnly state of the connection
* @param isAutoCommit the default autoCommit state of the connection
* @return a proxy that wraps the specified {@link Connection}
static ProxyConnection getProxyConnection(final PoolEntry poolEntry, final Connection connection, final FastList<Statement> openStatements, final ProxyLeakTask leakTask, final long now, final boolean isReadOnly, final boolean isAutoCommit)
// Body is replaced (injected) by JavassistProxyFactory
throw new IllegalStateException("You need to run the CLI build and you need target/classes in your classpath to run.");
static Statement getProxyStatement(final ProxyConnection connection, final Statement statement)
// Body is replaced (injected) by JavassistProxyFactory
throw new IllegalStateException("You need to run the CLI build and you need target/classes in your classpath to run.");
static CallableStatement getProxyCallableStatement(final ProxyConnection connection, final CallableStatement statement)
// Body is replaced (injected) by JavassistProxyFactory
throw new IllegalStateException("You need to run the CLI build and you need target/classes in your classpath to run.");
static PreparedStatement getProxyPreparedStatement(final ProxyConnection connection, final PreparedStatement statement)
// Body is replaced (injected) by JavassistProxyFactory
throw new IllegalStateException("You need to run the CLI build and you need target/classes in your classpath to run.");
static ResultSet getProxyResultSet(final ProxyConnection connection, final ProxyStatement statement, final ResultSet resultSet)
// Body is replaced (injected) by JavassistProxyFactory
throw new IllegalStateException("You need to run the CLI build and you need target/classes in your classpath to run.");


JavassistProxyFactory存在于工具包里com.zaxxer.hikari.util里,之所以使用Javassist生成动态代理,是因为其速度更快,相比于JDK Proxy生成的字节码更少,精简了很多不必要的字节码。



Javassist 不仅是一个处理字节码的库,还有一项优点:可以用 Javassist 改变 Java 类的字节码,而无需真正了解关于字节码或者 Java 虚拟机(Java virtual machine JVM)结构的任何内容。比起在单条指令水平上工作的框架,它确实使字节码操作更可具有可行性了。

Javassist 使您可以检查、编辑以及创建 Java 二进制类。检查方面基本上与通过 Reflection API 直接在 Java 中进行的一样,但是当想要修改类而不只是执行它们时,则另一种访问这些信息的方法就很有用了。这是因为 JVM 设计上并没有提供在类装载到 JVM 中后访问原始类数据的任何方法,这项工作需要在 JVM 之外完成。

Javassist 使用 javassist.ClassPool 类跟踪和控制所操作的类。这个类的工作方式与 JVM 类装载器非常相似,但是有一个重要的区别是它不是将装载的、要执行的类作为应用程序的一部分链接,类池使所装载的类可以通过 Javassist API 作为数据使用。可以使用默认的类池,它是从 JVM 搜索路径中装载的,也可以定义一个搜索您自己的路径列表的类池。甚至可以直接从字节数组或者流中装载二进制类,以及从头开始创建新类。

装载到类池中的类由 javassist.CtClass 实例表示。与标准的 Java java.lang.Class 类一样, CtClass 提供了检查类数据(如字段和方法)的方法。不过,这只是 CtClass 的部分内容,它还定义了在类中添加新字段、方法和构造函数、以及改变类、父类和接口的方法。奇怪的是,Javassist 没有提供删除一个类中字段、方法或者构造函数的任何方法。

字段、方法和构造函数分别由 javassist.CtField、javassist.CtMethod 和 javassist.CtConstructor 的实例表示。这些类定义了修改由它们所表示的对象的所有方法的方法,包括方法或者构造函数中的实际字节码内容。


  1. ASM和JAVAASSIST字节码生成方式不相上下,都很快,是CGLIB的5倍。
  2. CGLIB次之,是JDK自带的两倍。
  3. JDK自带的再次之,因JDK1.6对动态代理做了优化,如果用低版本JDK更慢,要注意的是JDK也是通过字节码生成来实现动态代理的,而不是反射。
  4. JAVAASSIST提供者动态代理接口最慢,比JDK自带的还慢。 (这也是为什么网上有人说JAVAASSIST比JDK还慢的原因,用JAVAASSIST最好别用它提供的动态代理接口,而可以考虑用它的字节码生成方式)



该测试可能还是有些问题的。其实性能的根本原因还是在于反射。JdkHandler中的 return method.invoke(delegate, objects); 是影响性能的关键。如果JAVAASSIST Bytecode Proxy生成的代理类,也是通过JdkHanlder去实现的话,性能就和JDK自身的动态代理没什么区别了。 javassit采用的是直接调用,而cglib走了methodProxy.invoke(),说白了还是反射调用。如果实施cglib的直接调用,比如使用的Dispatcher或则LazyLoader。最后的生成的字节就是一个直接调用,性能上就可以和javassist持平。

但是综上所述,javassist相比于JDK Proxy生成的字节码更少,精简了很多不必要的字节码。通过优化并精简字节码,提升了hikariCP的性能。



* This class generates the proxy objects for {@link Connection}, {@link Statement},
* {@link PreparedStatement}, and {@link CallableStatement}. Additionally it injects
* method bodies into the {@link ProxyFactory} class methods that can instantiate
* instances of the generated proxies.
* @author Brett Wooldridge
public final class JavassistProxyFactory
private static ClassPool classPool;
private static String genDirectory = "";
public static void main(String... args)
classPool = new ClassPool();
classPool.appendClassPath(new LoaderClassPath(JavassistProxyFactory.class.getClassLoader()));
if (args.length > 0) {
genDirectory = args[0];
try {
// Cast is not needed for these
String methodBody = "{ try { return delegate.method($$); } catch (SQLException e) { throw checkException(e); } }";
generateProxyClass(Connection.class, ProxyConnection.class.getName(), methodBody);
generateProxyClass(Statement.class, ProxyStatement.class.getName(), methodBody);
generateProxyClass(ResultSet.class, ProxyResultSet.class.getName(), methodBody);
// For these we have to cast the delegate
methodBody = "{ try { return ((cast) delegate).method($$); } catch (SQLException e) { throw checkException(e); } }";
generateProxyClass(PreparedStatement.class, ProxyPreparedStatement.class.getName(), methodBody);
generateProxyClass(CallableStatement.class, ProxyCallableStatement.class.getName(), methodBody);
catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private static void modifyProxyFactory() throws Exception
System.out.println("Generating method bodies for com.zaxxer.hikari.proxy.ProxyFactory");
String packageName = ProxyConnection.class.getPackage().getName();
CtClass proxyCt = classPool.getCtClass("com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.ProxyFactory");
for (CtMethod method : proxyCt.getMethods()) {
switch (method.getName()) {
case "getProxyConnection":
method.setBody("{return new " + packageName + ".HikariProxyConnection($$);}");
case "getProxyStatement":
method.setBody("{return new " + packageName + ".HikariProxyStatement($$);}");
case "getProxyPreparedStatement":
method.setBody("{return new " + packageName + ".HikariProxyPreparedStatement($$);}");
case "getProxyCallableStatement":
method.setBody("{return new " + packageName + ".HikariProxyCallableStatement($$);}");
case "getProxyResultSet":
method.setBody("{return new " + packageName + ".HikariProxyResultSet($$);}");
// unhandled method
proxyCt.writeFile(genDirectory + "target/classes");
* Generate Javassist Proxy Classes
private static <T> void generateProxyClass(Class<T> primaryInterface, String superClassName, String methodBody) throws Exception
String newClassName = superClassName.replaceAll("(.+)\\.(\\w+)", "$1.Hikari$2");
CtClass superCt = classPool.getCtClass(superClassName);
CtClass targetCt = classPool.makeClass(newClassName, superCt);
System.out.println("Generating " + newClassName);
// Make a set of method signatures we inherit implementation for, so we don't generate delegates for these
Set<String> superSigs = new HashSet<>();
for (CtMethod method : superCt.getMethods()) {
if ((method.getModifiers() & Modifier.FINAL) == Modifier.FINAL) {
superSigs.add(method.getName() + method.getSignature());
Set<String> methods = new HashSet<>();
Set<Class<?>> interfaces = getAllInterfaces(primaryInterface);
for (Class<?> intf : interfaces) {
CtClass intfCt = classPool.getCtClass(intf.getName());
for (CtMethod intfMethod : intfCt.getDeclaredMethods()) {
final String signature = intfMethod.getName() + intfMethod.getSignature();
// don't generate delegates for methods we override
if (superSigs.contains(signature)) {
// Ignore already added methods that come from other interfaces
if (methods.contains(signature)) {
// Track what methods we've added
// Clone the method we want to inject into
CtMethod method = CtNewMethod.copy(intfMethod, targetCt, null);
String modifiedBody = methodBody;
// If the super-Proxy has concrete methods (non-abstract), transform the call into a simple super.method() call
CtMethod superMethod = superCt.getMethod(intfMethod.getName(), intfMethod.getSignature());
if ((superMethod.getModifiers() & Modifier.ABSTRACT) != Modifier.ABSTRACT && !isDefaultMethod(intf, intfCt, intfMethod)) {
modifiedBody = modifiedBody.replace("((cast) ", "");
modifiedBody = modifiedBody.replace("delegate", "super");
modifiedBody = modifiedBody.replace("super)", "super");
modifiedBody = modifiedBody.replace("cast", primaryInterface.getName());
// Generate a method that simply invokes the same method on the delegate
if (isThrowsSqlException(intfMethod)) {
modifiedBody = modifiedBody.replace("method", method.getName());
else {
modifiedBody = "{ return ((cast) delegate).method($$); }".replace("method", method.getName()).replace("cast", primaryInterface.getName());
if (method.getReturnType() == CtClass.voidType) {
modifiedBody = modifiedBody.replace("return", "");
targetCt.writeFile(genDirectory + "target/classes");
private static boolean isThrowsSqlException(CtMethod method)
try {
for (CtClass clazz : method.getExceptionTypes()) {
if (clazz.getSimpleName().equals("SQLException")) {
return true;
catch (NotFoundException e) {
// fall thru
return false;
private static boolean isDefaultMethod(Class<?> intf, CtClass intfCt, CtMethod intfMethod) throws Exception
List<Class<?>> paramTypes = new ArrayList<>();
for (CtClass pt : intfMethod.getParameterTypes()) {
return intf.getDeclaredMethod(intfMethod.getName(), paramTypes.toArray(new Class[paramTypes.size()])).toString().contains("default ");
private static Set<Class<?>> getAllInterfaces(Class<?> clazz)
Set<Class<?>> interfaces = new HashSet<>();
for (Class<?> intf : Arrays.asList(clazz.getInterfaces())) {
if (intf.getInterfaces().length > 0) {
if (clazz.getSuperclass() != null) {
if (clazz.isInterface()) {
return interfaces;
private static Class<?> toJavaClass(CtClass cls) throws Exception
if (cls.getName().endsWith("[]")) {
return Array.newInstance(toJavaClass(cls.getName().replace("[]", "")), 0).getClass();
else {
return toJavaClass(cls.getName());
private static Class<?> toJavaClass(String cn) throws Exception
switch (cn) {
case "int":
return int.class;
case "long":
return long.class;
case "short":
return short.class;
case "byte":
return byte.class;
case "float":
return float.class;
case "double":
return double.class;
case "boolean":
return boolean.class;
case "char":
return char.class;
case "void":
return void.class;
return Class.forName(cn);


private static void modifyProxyFactory() throws Exception
System.out.println("Generating method bodies for com.zaxxer.hikari.proxy.ProxyFactory");
String packageName = ProxyConnection.class.getPackage().getName();
CtClass proxyCt = classPool.getCtClass("com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.ProxyFactory");
for (CtMethod method : proxyCt.getMethods()) {
switch (method.getName()) {
case "getProxyConnection":
method.setBody("{return new " + packageName + ".HikariProxyConnection($$);}");
case "getProxyStatement":
method.setBody("{return new " + packageName + ".HikariProxyStatement($$);}");
case "getProxyPreparedStatement":
method.setBody("{return new " + packageName + ".HikariProxyPreparedStatement($$);}");
case "getProxyCallableStatement":
method.setBody("{return new " + packageName + ".HikariProxyCallableStatement($$);}");
case "getProxyResultSet":
method.setBody("{return new " + packageName + ".HikariProxyResultSet($$);}");
// unhandled method
proxyCt.writeFile(genDirectory + "target/classes");


* Generate Javassist Proxy Classes
private static <T> void generateProxyClass(Class<T> primaryInterface, String superClassName, String methodBody) throws Exception
String newClassName = superClassName.replaceAll("(.+)\\.(\\w+)", "$1.Hikari$2");
CtClass superCt = classPool.getCtClass(superClassName);
CtClass targetCt = classPool.makeClass(newClassName, superCt);
System.out.println("Generating " + newClassName);
// Make a set of method signatures we inherit implementation for, so we don't generate delegates for these
Set<String> superSigs = new HashSet<>();
for (CtMethod method : superCt.getMethods()) {
if ((method.getModifiers() & Modifier.FINAL) == Modifier.FINAL) {
superSigs.add(method.getName() + method.getSignature());
Set<String> methods = new HashSet<>();
Set<Class<?>> interfaces = getAllInterfaces(primaryInterface);
for (Class<?> intf : interfaces) {
CtClass intfCt = classPool.getCtClass(intf.getName());
for (CtMethod intfMethod : intfCt.getDeclaredMethods()) {
final String signature = intfMethod.getName() + intfMethod.getSignature();
// don't generate delegates for methods we override
if (superSigs.contains(signature)) {
// Ignore already added methods that come from other interfaces
if (methods.contains(signature)) {
// Track what methods we've added
// Clone the method we want to inject into
CtMethod method = CtNewMethod.copy(intfMethod, targetCt, null);
String modifiedBody = methodBody;
// If the super-Proxy has concrete methods (non-abstract), transform the call into a simple super.method() call
CtMethod superMethod = superCt.getMethod(intfMethod.getName(), intfMethod.getSignature());
if ((superMethod.getModifiers() & Modifier.ABSTRACT) != Modifier.ABSTRACT && !isDefaultMethod(intf, intfCt, intfMethod)) {
modifiedBody = modifiedBody.replace("((cast) ", "");
modifiedBody = modifiedBody.replace("delegate", "super");
modifiedBody = modifiedBody.replace("super)", "super");
modifiedBody = modifiedBody.replace("cast", primaryInterface.getName());
// Generate a method that simply invokes the same method on the delegate
if (isThrowsSqlException(intfMethod)) {
modifiedBody = modifiedBody.replace("method", method.getName());
else {
modifiedBody = "{ return ((cast) delegate).method($$); }".replace("method", method.getName()).replace("cast", primaryInterface.getName());
if (method.getReturnType() == CtClass.voidType) {
modifiedBody = modifiedBody.replace("return", "");
targetCt.writeFile(genDirectory + "target/classes");

以 generateProxyClass(ResultSet.class, ProxyResultSet.class.getName(), methodBody); 来看




public class HikariProxyResultSet extends ProxyResultSet implements ResultSet, AutoCloseable, Wrapper {
public boolean next() throws SQLException {
try {
return super.delegate.next();
} catch (SQLException var2) {
throw this.checkException(var2);
public void close() throws SQLException {
try {
} catch (SQLException var2) {
throw this.checkException(var2);
public boolean wasNull() throws SQLException {
try {
return super.delegate.wasNull();
} catch (SQLException var2) {
throw this.checkException(var2);
public String getString(int var1) throws SQLException {
try {
return super.delegate.getString(var1);
} catch (SQLException var3) {
throw this.checkException(var3);




* This is the proxy class for java.sql.ResultSet.
* @author Brett Wooldridge
public abstract class ProxyResultSet implements ResultSet
protected final ProxyConnection connection;
protected final ProxyStatement statement;
final ResultSet delegate;
protected ProxyResultSet(ProxyConnection connection, ProxyStatement statement, ResultSet resultSet)
this.connection = connection;
this.statement = statement;
this.delegate = resultSet;
final SQLException checkException(SQLException e)
return connection.checkException(e);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public String toString()
return this.getClass().getSimpleName() + '@' + System.identityHashCode(this) + " wrapping " + delegate;
// **********************************************************************
// Overridden java.sql.ResultSet Methods
// **********************************************************************
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public final Statement getStatement() throws SQLException
return statement;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void updateRow() throws SQLException
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void insertRow() throws SQLException
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void deleteRow() throws SQLException
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public final <T> T unwrap(Class<T> iface) throws SQLException
if (iface.isInstance(delegate)) {
return (T) delegate;
else if (delegate != null) {
return delegate.unwrap(iface);
throw new SQLException("Wrapped ResultSet is not an instance of " + iface);



执行过程中除了返回ResultSet的需要返回ProxyFactory.getProxyResultSet(connection, this, resultSet);

static ResultSet getProxyResultSet(final ProxyConnection connection, final ProxyStatement statement, final ResultSet resultSet)
// Body is replaced (injected) by JavassistProxyFactory
throw new IllegalStateException("You need to run the CLI build and you need target/classes in your classpath to run.");


/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean execute(String sql) throws SQLException
return delegate.execute(sql);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean execute(String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys) throws SQLException
return delegate.execute(sql, autoGeneratedKeys);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public ResultSet executeQuery(String sql) throws SQLException
ResultSet resultSet = delegate.executeQuery(sql);
return ProxyFactory.getProxyResultSet(connection, this, resultSet);

关于其close方法得提一下上一节的 【追光者系列】HikariCP源码分析之FastList

// **********************************************************************
// Overridden java.sql.Statement Methods
// **********************************************************************
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public final void close() throws SQLException
// 放置重复关闭
synchronized (this) {
if (isClosed) {
isClosed = true;
// 移出缓存
try {
// 关闭代理
catch (SQLException e) {
throw connection.checkException(e);

connection.untrackStatement(delegate); 这里我们可以看到源码如下

final synchronized void untrackStatement(final Statement statement)
private final FastList<Statement> openStatements;
protected ProxyConnection(final PoolEntry poolEntry, final Connection connection, final FastList<Statement> openStatements, final ProxyLeakTask leakTask, final long now, final boolean isReadOnly, final boolean isAutoCommit) {
this.poolEntry = poolEntry;
this.delegate = connection;
this.openStatements = openStatements;
this.leakTask = leakTask;
this.lastAccess = now;
this.isReadOnly = isReadOnly;
this.isAutoCommit = isAutoCommit;

FastList是一个List接口的精简实现,只实现了接口中必要的几个方法。JDK ArrayList每次调用get()方法时都会进行rangeCheck检查索引是否越界,FastList的实现中去除了这一检查,只要保证索引合法那么rangeCheck就成为了不必要的计算开销(当然开销极小)。此外,HikariCP使用List来保存打开的Statement,当Statement关闭或Connection关闭时需要将对应的Statement从List中移除。通常情况下,同一个Connection创建了多个Statement时,后打开的Statement会先关闭。ArrayList的remove(Object)方法是从头开始遍历数组,而FastList是从数组的尾部开始遍历,因此更为高效。

简而言之就是 自定义数组类型(FastList)代替ArrayList:避免每次get()调用都要进行range check,避免调用remove()时的从头到尾的扫描



/** {@inheritDoc} */
public CallableStatement prepareCall(String sql, int resultSetType, int concurrency, int holdability) throws SQLException
return ProxyFactory.getProxyCallableStatement(this, trackStatement(delegate.prepareCall(sql, resultSetType, concurrency, holdability)));
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql) throws SQLException
return ProxyFactory.getProxyPreparedStatement(this, trackStatement(delegate.prepareStatement(sql)));

其关闭代码需要注意一点的是,因为closeStatements里会evict poolEntry,所以放到判断外。

// **********************************************************************
// "Overridden" java.sql.Connection Methods
// **********************************************************************
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public final void close() throws SQLException
// Closing statements can cause connection eviction, so this must run before the conditional below
if (delegate != ClosedConnection.CLOSED_CONNECTION) {
try {
if (isCommitStateDirty && !isAutoCommit) {
lastAccess = currentTime();
LOGGER.debug("{} - Executed rollback on connection {} due to dirty commit state on close().", poolEntry.getPoolName(), delegate);
if (dirtyBits != 0) {
poolEntry.resetConnectionState(this, dirtyBits);
lastAccess = currentTime();
catch (SQLException e) {
// when connections are aborted, exceptions are often thrown that should not reach the application
if (!poolEntry.isMarkedEvicted()) {
throw checkException(e);
finally {
delegate = ClosedConnection.CLOSED_CONNECTION;

ProxyConnection如下图,可以看到该类是真正使用FastList来进行优化的 private final FastList openStatements;


// 用于标识连接被访问或存在可提交数据
final void markCommitStateDirty()
if (isAutoCommit) {
lastAccess = currentTime();
else {
isCommitStateDirty = true;
// 缓存statement
private synchronized <T extends Statement> T trackStatement(final T statement)
return statement;
// 移出statement缓存
final synchronized void untrackStatement(final Statement statement)
// 关闭全部已打开的statement(只在close方法中调用)
private synchronized void closeStatements()
final int size = openStatements.size();
if (size > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < size && delegate != ClosedConnection.CLOSED_CONNECTION; i++) {
try (Statement ignored = openStatements.get(i)) {
// automatic resource cleanup
catch (SQLException e) {
LOGGER.warn("{} - Connection {} marked as broken because of an exception closing open statements during Connection.close()",
poolEntry.getPoolName(), delegate);
poolEntry.evict("(exception closing Statements during Connection.close())");
delegate = ClosedConnection.CLOSED_CONNECTION;

In order to generate proxies for Connection, Statement, and ResultSet instances HikariCP was initially using a singleton factory, held in the case of ConnectionProxy in a static field (PROXY_FACTORY).


// **********************************************************************
// Private classes
// **********************************************************************
private static final class ClosedConnection
static final Connection CLOSED_CONNECTION = getClosedConnection();
private static Connection getClosedConnection()
InvocationHandler handler = (proxy, method, args) -> {
// 只保留3个方法的快速返回,其他均抛出异常
final String methodName = method.getName();
if ("abort".equals(methodName)) {
return Void.TYPE;
else if ("isValid".equals(methodName)) {
return Boolean.FALSE;
else if ("toString".equals(methodName)) {
return ClosedConnection.class.getCanonicalName();
throw new SQLException("Connection is closed");
return (Connection) Proxy.newProxyInstance(Connection.class.getClassLoader(), new Class[] { Connection.class }, handler);



http://yonglin4605.iteye.com/blog/1396494 http://www.csg.ci.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~chiba/javassist/ http://zhxing.iteye.com/blog/1703305 http://www.cnblogs.com/taisenki/p/7716724.html

666. 彩蛋

如果你对 HikariCP 感兴趣,欢迎加入我的知识星球一起交流。


  1. 1. 概述
  2. 2. 源码纲要
  3. 3. JavassistProxyFactory
    1. 3.1. javassist
    2. 3.2. 源码解析
  4. 4. ProxyResultSet
  5. 5. ProxyStatement
  6. 6. ProxyConnection
  7. 7. 参考资料
  8. 8. 666. 彩蛋