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《Spring Boot 实现原理与源码解析 —— 精品合集》 《Java 面试题 + Java 学习指南》

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1. 概述

老艿艿:本系列假定胖友已经阅读过 《Apollo 官方 wiki 文档》 ,特别是 《架构模块》

本文分享 Apollo 服务的注册与发现。如下图所示:


2. Eureka Server

2.1 启动 Eureka Server

apollo-configservice 项目中,com.ctrip.framework.apollo.configservice.ConfigServiceApplication 中,通过 @EnableEurekaServer 注解启动 Eureka Server 。代码如下:

@EnableEurekaServer // 启动 Eureka Server
@EnableAutoConfiguration // (exclude = EurekaClientConfigBean.class)
@PropertySource(value = {"classpath:configservice.properties"})
@ComponentScan(basePackageClasses = {ApolloCommonConfig.class,
public class ConfigServiceApplication {

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
ConfigurableApplicationContext context = new SpringApplicationBuilder(ConfigServiceApplication.class).run(args);
context.addApplicationListener(new ApplicationPidFileWriter());
context.addApplicationListener(new EmbeddedServerPortFileWriter());


  • 第一行的 @EnableEurekaServer 注解,启动 Eureka Server 。基于 Spring Cloud Eureka ,需要在 Maven 的 pom.xml 中申明如下依赖:

    <!-- eureka -->
    <!-- duplicated with spring-security-core -->
    <!-- end of eureka -->

那么 Eureka Server 怎么构建成集群呢?答案在 「2.2 注册到 Eureka Client」 中。

2.2 注册到 Eureka Client

apollo-biz 项目中,com.ctrip.framework.apollo.biz.eureka.ApolloEurekaClientConfig 中,声明 Eureka 的配置。代码如下:

public class ApolloEurekaClientConfig extends EurekaClientConfigBean {

private BizConfig bizConfig;

* Assert only one zone: defaultZone, but multiple environments.
public List<String> getEurekaServerServiceUrls(String myZone) {
List<String> urls = bizConfig.eurekaServiceUrls();
return CollectionUtils.isEmpty(urls) ? super.getEurekaServerServiceUrls(myZone) : urls;

public boolean equals(Object o) {
return super.equals(o);


  • @Primary 注解,保证优先级

  • #getEurekaServerServiceUrls(myZone) 方法,调用 BizConfig#eurekaServiceUrls() 方法,从 ServerConfig 的 "eureka.service.url" 配置项,获得 Eureka Server 地址。代码如下:

    // 获得 Eureka 服务器地址的数组
    public List<String> eurekaServiceUrls() {
    // 获得配置值
    String configuration = getValue("eureka.service.url", "");
    // 分隔成 List
    if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(configuration)) {
    return Collections.emptyList();
    return splitter.splitToList(configuration);

    • Eureka Server 共享该配置,从而形成 Eureka Server 集群
  • 基于 Spring Cloud Eureka ,需要在 Maven 的 pom.xml 中申明如下依赖:

    <!-- eureka -->
    <!-- end of eureka -->

apollo-adminserviceapollo-configservice 项目,引入 apollo-biz 项目,启动 Eureka Client ,向 Eureka Server 注册自己为实例。通过 .properties 配置实例名

// FROM adminservice.properties
spring.application.name= apollo-adminservice

// FROM configservice.properties
spring.application.name= apollo-configservice

3. Meta Service

apollo-configservice 项目中,metaservice 下,看到所有 Meta Service 的类,如下图:Meta Service

3.1 ApolloMetaServiceConfig

@ComponentScan(basePackageClasses = ApolloMetaServiceConfig.class)
public class ApolloMetaServiceConfig {

3.2 ServiceController

public class ServiceController {

private DiscoveryService discoveryService;

public List<ServiceDTO> getMetaService() {
List<InstanceInfo> instances = discoveryService.getMetaServiceInstances();
List<ServiceDTO> result = instances.stream().map(new Function<InstanceInfo, ServiceDTO>() {

public ServiceDTO apply(InstanceInfo instance) {
ServiceDTO service = new ServiceDTO();
return service;

return result;

public List<ServiceDTO> getConfigService(
@RequestParam(value = "appId", defaultValue = "") String appId,
@RequestParam(value = "ip", required = false) String clientIp) {
List<InstanceInfo> instances = discoveryService.getConfigServiceInstances();
List<ServiceDTO> result = instances.stream().map(new Function<InstanceInfo, ServiceDTO>() {

public ServiceDTO apply(InstanceInfo instance) {
ServiceDTO service = new ServiceDTO();
return service;

return result;

public List<ServiceDTO> getAdminService() {
List<InstanceInfo> instances = discoveryService.getAdminServiceInstances();
List<ServiceDTO> result = instances.stream().map(new Function<InstanceInfo, ServiceDTO>() {

public ServiceDTO apply(InstanceInfo instance) {
ServiceDTO service = new ServiceDTO();
return service;

return result;


  • 提供了三个 API ,services/metaservices/configservices/admin 获得 Meta Service、Config Service、Admin Service 集群地址。😈 实际上,services/meta 暂时是不可用的,获取不到实例,因为 Meta Service 目前内嵌在 Config Service 中。

  • 每个 API 中,调用 DiscoveryService 调用对应的方法,获取服务集群。

  • com.ctrip.framework.apollo.core.dto.ServiceDTO ,服务 DTO 。代码如下:

    public class ServiceDTO {

    * 应用名
    private String appName;
    * 实例编号
    private String instanceId;
    * Home URL
    private String homepageUrl;

3.3 DiscoveryService

public class DiscoveryService {

private EurekaClient eurekaClient;

public List<InstanceInfo> getConfigServiceInstances() {
Application application = eurekaClient.getApplication(ServiceNameConsts.APOLLO_CONFIGSERVICE);
if (application == null) {
Tracer.logEvent("Apollo.EurekaDiscovery.NotFound", ServiceNameConsts.APOLLO_CONFIGSERVICE);
return application != null ? application.getInstances() : Collections.emptyList();

public List<InstanceInfo> getMetaServiceInstances() {
Application application = eurekaClient.getApplication(ServiceNameConsts.APOLLO_METASERVICE);
if (application == null) {
Tracer.logEvent("Apollo.EurekaDiscovery.NotFound", ServiceNameConsts.APOLLO_METASERVICE);
return application != null ? application.getInstances() : Collections.emptyList();

public List<InstanceInfo> getAdminServiceInstances() {
Application application = eurekaClient.getApplication(ServiceNameConsts.APOLLO_ADMINSERVICE);
if (application == null) {
Tracer.logEvent("Apollo.EurekaDiscovery.NotFound", ServiceNameConsts.APOLLO_ADMINSERVICE);
return application != null ? application.getInstances() : Collections.emptyList();


  • 每个方法,调用 EurekaClient#getApplication(appName) 方法,获得服务集群。

  • com.ctrip.framework.apollo.core.ServiceNameConsts ,枚举了所有服务的名字。代码如下:

    public interface ServiceNameConsts {

    String APOLLO_METASERVICE = "apollo-metaservice";

    String APOLLO_CONFIGSERVICE = "apollo-configservice";

    String APOLLO_ADMINSERVICE = "apollo-adminservice";

    String APOLLO_PORTAL = "apollo-portal";


3.4 集群

考虑到高可用,Meta Service 必须集群。因为 Meta Service 自身扮演了目录服务的角色,所以此时不得不引入 Proxy Server 。从选择上,笔者想到的是:

  1. Nginx ,目前互联网上最常用的 Proxy Server 。
  2. Zuul ,可以和 Eureka 打通,实现注册与发现。

因为 Meta Service 目前并未注册到 Zuul 上,所以相比来说,Nginx 会是更合适的选择。当然,😈 Nginx 自身也是要做高可用的,哈哈哈,这块胖友自己 Google 下解决方案。


4. ConfigServiceLocator

apollo-client 项目中,com.ctrip.framework.apollo.internals.ConfigServiceLocator ,Config Service 定位器。

  • 初始时,从 Meta Service 获取 Config Service 集群地址进行缓存
  • 定时任务,每 5 分钟,从 Meta Service 获取 Config Service 集群地址刷新缓存

🙂 代码比较简单,胖友自己查看。代码如下:

public class ConfigServiceLocator {

private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConfigServiceLocator.class);

private static final Joiner.MapJoiner MAP_JOINER = Joiner.on("&").withKeyValueSeparator("=");
private static final Escaper queryParamEscaper = UrlEscapers.urlFormParameterEscaper();

private HttpUtil m_httpUtil;
private ConfigUtil m_configUtil;
* ServiceDTO 数组的缓存
private AtomicReference<List<ServiceDTO>> m_configServices;
private Type m_responseType;
* 定时任务 ExecutorService
private ScheduledExecutorService m_executorService;

* Create a config service locator.
public ConfigServiceLocator() {
List<ServiceDTO> initial = Lists.newArrayList();
m_configServices = new AtomicReference<>(initial);
m_responseType = new TypeToken<List<ServiceDTO>>() {}.getType();
m_httpUtil = ApolloInjector.getInstance(HttpUtil.class);
m_configUtil = ApolloInjector.getInstance(ConfigUtil.class);
this.m_executorService = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1, ApolloThreadFactory.create("ConfigServiceLocator", true));
// 初始拉取 Config Service 地址
// 创建定时任务,定时拉取 Config Service 地址

* Get the config service info from remote meta server.
* @return the services dto
public List<ServiceDTO> getConfigServices() {
// 缓存为空,强制拉取
if (m_configServices.get().isEmpty()) {
// 返回 ServiceDTO 数组
return m_configServices.get();

private boolean tryUpdateConfigServices() {
try {
return true;
} catch (Throwable ex) {
return false;

private void schedulePeriodicRefresh() {
this.m_executorService.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
logger.debug("refresh config services");
Tracer.logEvent("Apollo.MetaService", "periodicRefresh");
// 拉取 Config Service 地址
}, m_configUtil.getRefreshInterval(), m_configUtil.getRefreshInterval(), m_configUtil.getRefreshIntervalTimeUnit());

private synchronized void updateConfigServices() {
// 拼接请求 Meta Service URL
String url = assembleMetaServiceUrl();

HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest(url);
int maxRetries = 2; // 重试两次
Throwable exception = null;

// 循环请求 Meta Service ,获取 Config Service 地址
for (int i = 0; i < maxRetries; i++) {
Transaction transaction = Tracer.newTransaction("Apollo.MetaService", "getConfigService");
transaction.addData("Url", url);
try {
// 请求
HttpResponse<List<ServiceDTO>> response = m_httpUtil.doGet(request, m_responseType);
// 获得结果 ServiceDTO 数组
List<ServiceDTO> services = response.getBody();
// 获得结果为空,重新请求
if (services == null || services.isEmpty()) {
logConfigService("Empty response!");
// 更新缓存
// 打印结果 ServiceDTO 数组
} catch (Throwable ex) {
Tracer.logEvent("ApolloConfigException", ExceptionUtil.getDetailMessage(ex));
exception = ex;
} finally {
// 请求失败,sleep 等待下次重试
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
// ignore
// 请求全部失败,抛出 ApolloConfigException 异常
throw new ApolloConfigException(String.format("Get config services failed from %s", url), exception);

private String assembleMetaServiceUrl() {
String domainName = m_configUtil.getMetaServerDomainName();
String appId = m_configUtil.getAppId();
String localIp = m_configUtil.getLocalIp();

// 参数集合
Map<String, String> queryParams = Maps.newHashMap();
queryParams.put("appId", queryParamEscaper.escape(appId));
if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(localIp)) {
queryParams.put("ip", queryParamEscaper.escape(localIp));

return domainName + "/services/config?" + MAP_JOINER.join(queryParams);

private void logConfigServices(List<ServiceDTO> serviceDtos) {
for (ServiceDTO serviceDto : serviceDtos) {

private void logConfigService(String serviceUrl) {
Tracer.logEvent("Apollo.Config.Services", serviceUrl);


5. AdminServiceAddressLocator

apollo-portal 项目中,com.ctrip.framework.apollo.portal.component.AdminServiceAddressLocator ,Admin Service 定位器。

  • 初始时,创建延迟 1 秒的任务,从 Meta Service 获取 Config Service 集群地址进行缓存
  • 获取成功时,创建延迟 5 分钟的任务,从 Meta Service 获取 Config Service 集群地址刷新缓存
  • 获取失败时,创建延迟 10 秒的任务,从 Meta Service 获取 Config Service 集群地址刷新缓存

🙂 代码比较简单,胖友自己查看。代码如下:

public class AdminServiceAddressLocator {

private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AdminServiceAddressLocator.class);

private static final long NORMAL_REFRESH_INTERVAL = 5 * 60 * 1000;
private static final long OFFLINE_REFRESH_INTERVAL = 10 * 1000;
private static final int RETRY_TIMES = 3;
private static final String ADMIN_SERVICE_URL_PATH = "/services/admin";

* 定时任务 ExecutorService
private ScheduledExecutorService refreshServiceAddressService;
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
* Env 数组
private List<Env> allEnvs;
* List<ServiceDTO 缓存 Map
private Map<Env, List<ServiceDTO>> cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private HttpMessageConverters httpMessageConverters; // 暂未使用
private PortalSettings portalSettings;
private RestTemplateFactory restTemplateFactory;

public void init() {
// 获得 Env 数组
allEnvs = portalSettings.getAllEnvs();
// init restTemplate
restTemplate = restTemplateFactory.getObject();
// 创建 ScheduledExecutorService
refreshServiceAddressService = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1, ApolloThreadFactory.create("ServiceLocator", true));
// 创建延迟任务,1 秒后拉取 Admin Service 地址
refreshServiceAddressService.schedule(new RefreshAdminServerAddressTask(), 1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

public List<ServiceDTO> getServiceList(Env env) {
// 从缓存中获得 ServiceDTO 数组
List<ServiceDTO> services = cache.get(env);
// 若不存在,直接返回空数组。这点和 ConfigServiceLocator 不同。
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(services)) {
return Collections.emptyList();
// 打乱 ServiceDTO 数组,返回。实现 Client 级的负载均衡
List<ServiceDTO> randomConfigServices = Lists.newArrayList(services);
return randomConfigServices;

// maintain admin server address
private class RefreshAdminServerAddressTask implements Runnable {

public void run() {
boolean refreshSuccess = true;
// 循环多个 Env ,请求对应的 Meta Service ,获得 Admin Service 集群地址
// refresh fail if get any env address fail
for (Env env : allEnvs) {
boolean currentEnvRefreshResult = refreshServerAddressCache(env);
refreshSuccess = refreshSuccess && currentEnvRefreshResult;
// 若刷新成功,则创建定时任务,5 分钟后执行
if (refreshSuccess) {
refreshServiceAddressService.schedule(new RefreshAdminServerAddressTask(), NORMAL_REFRESH_INTERVAL, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// 若刷新失败,则创建定时任务,10 秒后执行
} else {
refreshServiceAddressService.schedule(new RefreshAdminServerAddressTask(), OFFLINE_REFRESH_INTERVAL, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

private boolean refreshServerAddressCache(Env env) {
for (int i = 0; i < RETRY_TIMES; i++) {
try {
// 请求 Meta Service ,获得 Admin Service 集群地址
ServiceDTO[] services = getAdminServerAddress(env);
// 获得结果为空,continue ,继续执行下一次请求
if (services == null || services.length == 0) {
// 更新缓存
cache.put(env, Arrays.asList(services));
// 返回获取成功
return true;
} catch (Throwable e) {
logger.error(String.format("Get admin server address from meta server failed. env: %s, meta server address:%s", env, MetaDomainConsts.getDomain(env)), e);
Tracer.logError(String.format("Get admin server address from meta server failed. env: %s, meta server address:%s", env, MetaDomainConsts.getDomain(env)), e);
// 返回获取失败
return false;

private ServiceDTO[] getAdminServerAddress(Env env) {
String domainName = MetaDomainConsts.getDomain(env); // MetaDomainConsts
String url = domainName + ADMIN_SERVICE_URL_PATH;
return restTemplate.getForObject(url, ServiceDTO[].class);


5.1 MetaDomainConsts

com.ctrip.framework.apollo.core.MetaDomainConsts ,Meta Service 多环境的地址枚举类。代码如下:

* The meta domain will load the meta server from System environment first, if not exist, will load
* from apollo-env.properties. If neither exists, will load the default meta url.
* <p>
* Currently, apollo supports local/dev/fat/uat/lpt/pro environments.
public class MetaDomainConsts {

private static Map<Env, Object> domains = new HashMap<>();

public static final String DEFAULT_META_URL = "http://config.local";

static {
// 读取配置文件到 Properties 中
Properties prop = new Properties();
prop = ResourceUtils.readConfigFile("apollo-env.properties", prop);
// 获得系统 Properties
Properties env = System.getProperties();
// 添加到 domains 中
// 优先级,env > prop
domains.put(Env.LOCAL, env.getProperty("local_meta", prop.getProperty("local.meta", DEFAULT_META_URL)));
domains.put(Env.DEV, env.getProperty("dev_meta", prop.getProperty("dev.meta", DEFAULT_META_URL)));
domains.put(Env.FAT, env.getProperty("fat_meta", prop.getProperty("fat.meta", DEFAULT_META_URL)));
domains.put(Env.UAT, env.getProperty("uat_meta", prop.getProperty("uat.meta", DEFAULT_META_URL)));
domains.put(Env.LPT, env.getProperty("lpt_meta", prop.getProperty("lpt.meta", DEFAULT_META_URL)));
domains.put(Env.PRO, env.getProperty("pro_meta", prop.getProperty("pro.meta", DEFAULT_META_URL)));

public static String getDomain(Env env) {
return String.valueOf(domains.get(env));


  • 具体的读取顺序和说明,见英文注释说明。🙂 英语和我一样有非常大的进步空的同学,可以使用有道词典翻译。

5.2 Env

com.ctrip.framework.apollo.core.enums.Env ,环境枚举。代码如下:

* Here is the brief description for all the predefined environments:
* <ul>
* <li>LOCAL: Local Development environment, assume you are working at the beach with no network access</li>
* <li>DEV: Development environment</li>
* <li>FWS: Feature Web Service Test environment</li>
* <li>FAT: Feature Acceptance Test environment</li>
* <li>UAT: User Acceptance Test environment</li>
* <li>LPT: Load and Performance Test environment</li>
* <li>PRO: Production environment</li>
* <li>TOOLS: Tooling environment, a special area in production environment which allows
* access to test environment, e.g. Apollo Portal should be deployed in tools environment</li>
* </ul>
* @author Jason Song(song_s@ctrip.com)
public enum Env {


public static Env fromString(String env) {
Env environment = EnvUtils.transformEnv(env);
Preconditions.checkArgument(environment != null, String.format("Env %s is invalid", env));
return environment;


😎 前面一直忘记对 Env 介绍,所以有些奇怪的放在这个位置。主要目的是,我们可以参考携程对服务环境的命名和定义。

666. 彩蛋

😝😝😝 第4、5 小节写的比较简略,如果有不理解的胖友,可以给我的公众号留言。啦啦啦,我去刷《复仇者联盟3》啦,美滋滋。


  1. 1. 1. 概述
  2. 2. 2. Eureka Server
    1. 2.1. 2.1 启动 Eureka Server
    2. 2.2. 2.2 注册到 Eureka Client
  3. 3. 3. Meta Service
    1. 3.1. 3.1 ApolloMetaServiceConfig
    2. 3.2. 3.2 ServiceController
    3. 3.3. 3.3 DiscoveryService
    4. 3.4. 3.4 集群
  4. 4. 4. ConfigServiceLocator
  5. 5. 5. AdminServiceAddressLocator
    1. 5.1. 5.1 MetaDomainConsts
    2. 5.2. 5.2 Env
  6. 6. 666. 彩蛋